
Showing posts from August, 2023

Translating c++ to java using python code interpreter in GPT-4:

This took time to formulate. As the inputs needed to achieve it took a while. Namely it took a while to find the right approach to it. And then it hit me. If I really wanted to be lazy about translating the entire library, I'd get a system trained on data such as programming languages and compiler knowledge. Then I had to consider the thought "Well, most of it is c++ jazz to say or do not c++ jazz. How much could one simplify the transpiling process with as few look ups needed". Now, I personally would have figured out how to do it all by hand and dealt with the wrist pain later. But, the fact that it came close to matching 99% of my request, it even helpfully put in a snippet for saying "i don't man", helps. because it also helpfully told me which files it might consider looking in for those pieces to be less "UNKNOWN_TYPE" types. And what came next was even better. Connecting the runtime parts. The first server will run in cpython3. The ...

How to set-up & minikube correctly

The commnand "minikube start --container-runtime=containerd" should yield The command "minikube addons enable ingress" should yield The command "acorn install" should yield The command "minikube tunnel" should yield         Now when running "minikube tunnel, it will only ask for a password when a service that needs to use the ingress-nginx service to port expose an application on port 80 or 443 or 53, etc. The point is that build, run, update, and push are the final steps. Due to how it simplifies things for building, running, testing, and then deploying, it makes it easy to test what will and won't work. But it also simplifies production of applications. If your developers or an up and coming software developer, one thing you'll find hard is getting something out into production code. For me, it was more finding how to simplify the deployment of web apps I was trying to initially build so they would run in a production...