Building an API using Redshift with Python:
Building an API using Redshift with Python High-Level Architecture 1. API Gateway / Flask-based API: API client sends HTTP requests. 2. Backend with Python: Python service handles the request, queries Redshift, and returns the response. 3. Redshift Cluster: Data storage and query engine. 4. Optional Deployment: Use AWS Lambda or EC2 to deploy the API. Steps to Build the API 1. Set up Redshift Cluster (Optional if already done) - Launch a Redshift cluster in the AWS Console. - Create a user with permissions to access the database. - Enable public access or ensure network connectivity between the service and Redshift (e.g., VPC peering for Lambda). 2. Create a Database and Table in Redshift CREATE TABLE users ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50), email VARCHAR(100), created_at TIMESTAM...